Indian dog breeds are a common sight across the country. You can see them wandering in the streets, living in houses with their parents, or even in the jungle. They are highly intelligent, strong, courageous, and also can be independent. They naturally possess the very own qualities required to thrive in India’s Climate conditions. Let’s see the 10 best Indian dog breeds.
Indian dogs such as pariahs can live as stray, and being very active and strong, they hardly get affected by lifestyle diseases including diabetes which is not very uncommon among pedigree dogs. Native Dog Breeds of India are also called as desi dogs.
10 Best Native Dog Breeds in India
1. Chippiparai dog
Chippiparai is an Indian sighthound dog from Tamilnadu. It is more prominent in the southern regions of Tamilnadu. This dog is known for its hunting skills. In old days, They were put to hunt wild boars and rabbits. These dogs can run very fast that enables them to hunt various predatory animals with ease.

Appearance: It is a medium-sized dog. The upper body is flat and the abdomen region is slightly caved in. The average height and weight of the dog are 45 cm and 20 kg respectively. There are various measures being taken by dog enthusiasts to revive the Chippiparai from going completely extinct
2. Kanni dog
Kanni dog breed is a beautiful dog originally bred in India. The term Kanni refers to an unmarried person. There was an old practice in some places in Tamil Nadu to gift Kanni dog to the groom by the bride’s father. Kanni dogs were also kept by royals to be used as guard dogs and for hunting wild animals preying on the produce.

Appearance: It is a medium-sized dog. The upper body is flat and the abdomen region is slightly caved in. Its average weight and height are 20 kg and 65 cm respectively.
These dogs are becoming more endangered day by day as the Indian People’s interests in indigenous dogs are nearly diminished. Also, The measures being taken to revive this Indian dog breed are not so promising.
3. Kombai dog (Combai)
Kombai is an Indian Sighthound dog breed, bred first in the state of Tamilnadu, India. The history of Kombai dates back to the early 9 – 15 century. Kombai dogs were to be used in war fleets during the period of the rulers, the Marudhu brothers.
Appearance: The average height and weight of this dog breed are 22 kg and 22 inches respectively. The average life expectancy of Kombai (Combai) is 14 years
4. Rajapalayam dog
Rajapalayam dog is of Indian Origin which is also one of the ancient sighthounds, having its roots in Tamil Nadu of South India. They are one of the most loved dog breeds, especially by the People of Tamil Nadu. Rajapalayam dogs appear elegant and majestic. In the past, these dogs were mostly owned by aristocracy and royals.
Rajapalayam Dogs were used for Hunting rats and wild boars that were exploiting the agricultural fields. These dogs are efficient guard dogs and they inhibit territorial character by nature. Rajapalayam dogs are highly immune to diseases and hardly get affected by any kind of diseases.

Appearance: Rajapalayam Dog is Long and slender and the coat is short and dense. They are seen in colors such as white, Black, fawn, and pale brown. The average height and weight of the male Rajapalyam dog are 27.5 inches and 22 kg respectively. The average height and weight of the female Rajapalayam are 26 inches and 41 kg respectively.
5. Mandai dog
Mandai dog also known as Ramanathapuram kombai is an Indian Sighthound dog breed. This breed is native to Ramanathapuram, in the Indian state of Tamilnadu. The Mandai dog is basically a hunting dog by nature so it was useful in guarding poultry farms against predatory leopards. It is a very intelligent breed that naturally possesses territorial instincts. They do a great job in guarding their house and master.
6. Indian Pariah Dog

Pariah dog is a dog native to the Indian Subcontinent and one of the very famous dog breeds in India. It is fondly referred to as Indie Dogs or Desi dogs. They are intelligent and one of the most self-dependent dog breeds in the world. They live in Packs in free ranges otherwise live in the houses of people keeping them. These dogs are very warm and friendly which makes them good household pets.
7. Mudhol Hound

Mudhol Hound is an Indian dog breed native to the southwest part of India. They have other names like caravan hound, pashami and karwani. These breed dogs are popular in rural areas of Karnataka where farmers and villagers use this dog for hunting and guarding.
8. Indian Spitz
Indian Spitz is an Indian version of Pomeranian, first developed in India during the nineteenth century. This breed is believed to be related to the German Spitz. It was during the 1990s, Indian spitz gained popularity in India as a ban on dog imports was in place. Indian Spitz belongs to the utility group. They are friendly and playful with people.
9. Bully Kutta
Bully Kutta is a dog breed of India, also It is one of the oldest dog breeds in India. There are several depictions of this breed carved in stone sculptures in the few prominent Hindu temples. Bully Kutta dogs are strongly built, muscular, and possess a semi-aggressive temperament. They excel in hunting and guarding.
10. Rampur Greyhound
Rampur greyhounds are native to Rampur, situated in northern India. This dog was bred majorly for hunting jackals and other predatory animals. Though today, hunting skills are the least expected in dogs, Rampur Greyhound dogs make an ideal guard dog in India. The height of this dog is almost equal to other sighthounds but they are more muscular than other types of sighthounds.