
Potcake Dog Breed Information

“Potcake dog” Did I hear it right? This is something that can possibly strike in everyone’s mind when hearing this funnily sounding cutie pie’s name for the first time. Yes, but that shouldn’t be surprising. So what does the Potcake even mean? Does the name hide something in it? Let’s dig more about the history […]

Difference Between Emotional Support dog And Service Dog

Dogs and other animals that are not specially trained to perform certain tasks directly related to psychiatric disabilities, such as social interaction, communication, and communication skills. Emotional Support dog and service dog ADA considers such emotional companions to be different from psychiatric service dogs and treats them differently. The ADA does not grant emotional – […]

How To Get An Emotional Support Animal

The pet provides emotional support and comfort that helps deal with challenges that might otherwise affect the quality of life. To be legally referred to as an “emotional support animal,” or ESA, a pet of a person with a disabling mental illness must be prescribed by a licensed mental health professional in order for the […]

Emotional Support Animal – Support dogs & Cats

An Emotional Support Animal is a dog, cat, or any companion animal that provides comfort and support in the form of affection and companionship. People suffering from emotional or mental illness can qualify and benefit from an Emotional Support Animal. Emotionally supportive dogs are not required to perform certain tasks for people with disabilities, unlike […]

Best Emotional Support Dog Breeds

While just about any dog can provide good company, therapy dogs can spend most of their time providing emotional support. Many research studies have shown that people with mental health problems can benefit significantly from keeping a dog. Dogs are found in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and even nursing homes. If you want […]

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