Dog breeds

Golden retriever vs Labrador Retriever

Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are two of the most popular dog breeds in India. They are in fact the very cutest dog breeds with enthusiastic and playful temperament. Although Golden Retrievers and Labrador retrievers tend to behave and appear similar, there are some distinct parameters that differentiate the Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers. Let’s […]

Landseer dog breed information & Characteristics

Landseer dog is a graceful yet a powerfully built dog, originally developed by swiss breeders which is oftentimes confused with Newfoundland dog breeds, which also appears similar except for the colour pattern of Black and white. History of Landseer This breed got its name after the British Drawing artist Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, as one […]

10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds in the world

Almost all dog breeds in the world irrespective of their size are capable of being aggressive towards anything they feel that’s threatening them. However certain dog breeds naturally possess a very high level of aggression and they are infamously known as ferocious and dangerous dog breeds. These dangerous dog breeds should be trained and nurtured […]

10 Best Indian Dog Breeds You Need to Know

Indian dog breeds are a common sight across the country. You can see them wandering in the streets, living in houses with their parents, or even in the jungle. They are highly intelligent, strong, courageous, and also can be independent. They naturally possess the very own qualities required to thrive in India’s Climate conditions. Let’s […]

10 Largest Dog Breeds in the world

Dogs come in smaller, medium, and big sizes, but whatever may be their size, but their Heart remains big forever. Which dog breeds are Large Dog Breeds? Dogs over 50 pounds are classified as Large Dog Breeds. They grow rapidly than smaller dog breeds but takes more time to grow into their full mature sizes. […]

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