Bloody stool in dogs can be a sign of serious illness. If you are noticing something red in the poop of your dog, it indicates your dog needs a checkup with the veterinarian sooner. Sometimes dog pooping blood could not be out of any serious issue. So, before going to Vet check out what the red colour is? Because the poop colour of your dog also depends upon the food eaten, in rare cases, such food that changes the poo colour towards red like strawberries or colouring agents or food additives the change in poo colour doesn’t require any treatment.
How does blood in dog poop stool look like?
Dog pooping blood can either be bright red or dark coloured. Sometimes it looks jelly-like due to mucus and sometimes you can observe tiny blood droplets in case of bloody diarrhoea.
Types of Bloody stools in dogs
Bloody stool in dogs either have bright red blood or dark blood in poop. Based on the color of blood in the dog’s poop, we can categories them into two following types
Bright red blood in faeces is called Haematochezia. This occurs due to bleeding problems in the lower digestive tract such as the colon or rectum. That’s why the bright red colour of blood indicates that it is fresh deriving from the lower intestine.
Melena is associated with dark bloody stools in dogs. The dark colour of blood in poop indicates that it’s digested or comes from the upper part of the alimentary canal. Melena thought it to be more difficult to diagnose as the dark colour of the dog’s poop doesn’t create contrast. Due to the fact, dog owners can’t recognise melena easily as haematochezia.
What causes bloody stool in dogs?
There is a list of many factors ranging from infections, allergies, parasites to anal gland problems that can cause your dog to poop blood.
Parvovirus is a deadly viral disease and has symptoms of vomiting, anorexia, and blood in stools. You should contact immediately to your Vet if you notice some or more symptoms of the disease.
Anal Gland
You can see bright red blood in a dog’s poop if your dog suffers from unhealthy anal glands.
Intestinal parasites such as hookworms and roundworms can cause internal bleeding and are one of the factors responsible for bloody stools in dogs.
Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis or HGE
Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestine in dogs that involves bleeding. You can notice dark bloody stools in case of Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
Dogs food can be toxic if it is contaminated. Eating contaminated food can also result in bloody stools in dogs.
In rare cases, unintentionally dogs ingest foreign bodies that are unable to digest. These bodies after getting entry, cause internal bleeding in the digestive tract that comes up with dog popping blood.
Some medicines can change cause bloody stools such as the use of Pepto-Bismol. Blood in the dog’s poop can also be a side effect of some medicines.
A Tumour in the digestive tract of a dog can lead your dog to poop blood.
Bacterial infections
Some bacterial infections cause blood in the poop of the dog. E.g. clostridium and campylobacter infections.
Other Causes
- Liver disease
- Pancreas disease
- Post-surgery complications
- Colitis or inflammation of the intestine
- Stress
- Ulcers
- Blood clotting disorders
How to check for blood in your dog’s stool?
The colour of blood in the dog’s poop is strong evidence that leads the diagnosis in the right direction. If bright red blood is found it indicates the problem in the lower alimentary canal and dark blood suggests upper tract issues. The veterinarian will run some tests to find out the underlying cause. He can do the faecal examination, blood work, x-rays or tissue biopsies etc.
What should do if your dog pooping blood?
If you find your dog pooping blood, it’s alarming that something unhealthy is going on. Blood is not a constituent of normal faecal material and if it’s present in the poo of your dog it warns that something abnormal is going on in the body of the dog.
If you notice any type of blood in the poop of your dog, you should visit your veterinarian whether your dog popping blood regularly or occasionally. Don’t wait for a minute because it can be a life-threatening situation or any deadly disease which can end up with sorrow.
What is the treatment for dog pooping blood?
Treatment varies depending upon the underlying cause. Your Veterinary doctor can go for surgery if he finds out any foreign body obstructing the intestine or fluid therapy in case of toxins and anaemic dog. He can opt for food change to reduce inflammation or deworming in dogs to eliminate parasites present in the intestine.
How you can prevent bloody stools in dogs?
You can prevent bloody stools in dogs by choosing the best and healthy diet, deworming at regular intervals, and regular medical check-ups.